Fridays are for Reflection

It's my favorite day of the week and to commemorate I want to share everything that has made me happy the last few weeks. I shared in my last post how the last few weeks have been harder emotionally for me, and because of that I've been feeling quite low. I understand life can be like that sometimes-really high with the overwhelming feeling of happiness, and low, where all you want to do is curl up in your bed and cry (at least that's how I was feeling, anyway). But, looking back at the last few weekends with outings and spending time with friends, I realize I have a lot to really be happy about. So, this post won't be so much wordy as it will be filled with photos of love, happiness and good days!

This photo is of freshly baked waffles on a stick covered in strawberries, cheese cake bites and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I'm sharing this photo because this is the very first photo shoot I worked on creating a shot list, directing the photographer and food styled. This photo doesn't tell much of a story, but it's an image of all the hard work I put into that shoot.

MMM. Wine. Again, this photo isn't super compelling but it's a night Chris and I treated ourselves. We wanted to go to our favorite restaurant and indulge. We were feeling so good we even bought the very loud group next to us shots of Fernet, which they hated because one literally just turned 22 and they only know cheap wine and sugary cocktails. They didn't understand the concept of an after dinner apertif. hahaha.

I'm really taking the time and effort to learn the camera. We took the train out to LA and I did my best to just have fun and figure out the proper exposure for photos. Thanks Jess for capturing me.


My friends.

Finding the proper exposure for all the vibrant colors

Did I tell you we got shirts for The Escape Room Dominators? It's serious.

Brit looking cute turning 30! We rode bikes to Unsung Brewery and celebrated her 30th birthday! It was such a good day.

The trek

And you know, have a cheese plate because This is 30!


The biker Gang!

Looking back at these photos, I have a lot that's going well in my life. And this blog is an outlet to share the highs and lows. Thank you if you read and follow along, it really means the world to me.