Welcome to the new normal! Where I sleep in till 10am, make coffee and, well, figure out what the fuck I am going to do the rest of today. Can I tell you it's already been OKAY! I did my hair! I got out and drove and went to the drive thru pharmacy to pick up a much needed prescription, and don't worry, I interacted through a screen so we were distanced. Man, it was a needed mundane adventure! And then I came home! And decided you know what the fuck! I'm going to organize my fridge! And clean it! And fucking like it! Because I. Got. The. Time!!! Okay but jokes aside I'm trying to now figure out all this free time situation and not be bummed that every single person I love is also dealing with the same thing, and we CANNOT hang out physically - though Zoom dance parties and happy hours have been a major hit. But with all this time now I'm doing things to do things. Like write! Hello blog I've had for 5 years but was too 'busy' to write...well guess what BABY! I'M BACK CAUSE I GOT THE TIME! Also, yesterday after I wrote, I went online and did a workout with my BBB (Booty's By Barrera, cause yes, we're building that booty) crew which I feel so thankful for because the gym I go to (shoutout to Faster Fitness!) turned a really shitty situation into a really positive one and offers all their classes - group and personal training - now online through Zoom. Talking to my computer is so normal now! After that, I went on Youtube and did a yoga stretching sesh, because I've always talked about doing yoga and here I am now, you know, with time; and then I've been wanting to take dance classes, so said, "Siri search Beginner Hip Hop", and well, learned dancing is a lot harder than it looks. But, I moved my body and I laughed at myself, and that made me feel good. Life's weird guys! Shit's hard right now! We're literally all going through it! Mine as well have a little fun? I digress, but then again, here I am. Question to you all: (to whoever reads this and if you do, seriously FUCKING THANK YOU!!!!) what have you been doing/reading/watching/etc. to laugh a little, move a little, think about the positive things going right in life? I keep saying this and I'll continue - sending all the love and positivity your way!